Saturday, September 5, 2015



Benjamin was born in 1831 and died in 1912. He apparently resided in Lancaster County, PA his entire life. He was the father of Elizabeth MUSSELMAN, who married Charles GARNER - making Benjamin my gr-gr-gr grandfather.

The below photo of him during the Civil War was given to me in among all the other photos from Grandma GARNER.  It was not labeled and I set it aside until it could be identified.  Later 2 different distant cousins mentioned it but R. SCHNEIDER actually shared a labeled copy  - I was excited to know who the person was.

He served in the Civil War in Company E of the 135th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry from Aug. 1862 until May 1863.

Personal collection:
                           Benjamin is line 4 on the above document.

Source: AG McMillin, Reba Garner, Ron Schneider
                      Benjamin Franklin Musselman in uniform 1862-63

                    Ben and Anna's marriage license 25 Jan. 1853

Benjamin Franklin MUSSELMAN is listed as the son of David and Elizabeth (BRESTLY) MUSSELMAN on his marriage license to Anna MOSSER/MUSSER on Jan. 25, 1853 in Lancaster, PA.

    **I want to thank a distant cousin,  Ron Schneider,  for sharing his thoughts and research on our mutual  ancestors**


  1. I do not have any problem whatsoever with people "sharing" photos, etc. of common ancestors. However, I do wish those who share would acknowledge where they got the information. The photo of B.F. Musselman in uniform was MY photograph that I had restored and posted on Ancestry for all to see. BF was my gg grandfather.
    Albert G. McMullin, Sarasota, Florida

  2. I actually was given this photo by my grandma and then received another one via a distant cousin R. Schneider. I do really try to make sure that I source where I get photos and info if it is not something I have in my personal collection. The Mussleman side is my maternal grandfather's and I suspect that it just got lumped in with all the other photos my grandma had and gave to me prior to her death in 1996.


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