Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Amanda GARNER was the daughter of Charles J. and Elizabeth (MUSSELMAN) GARNER. She was born in 1894 and died in 1970.

William Thomas "Tom" MATSON was the son of William T. & Hannah (ADAMS) MATSON.  Both of them were born in Maryland.  Tom Matson was probably born in Maryland, but I have no idea how he ended up in Lancaster County, PA.

According to Ron SCHNEIDER, they had 4 children:
  • Thomas C. MATSON - born 1913
  • John W. MATSON - born 1914 (probably died 1995 FAG#157479654)
  • Kathryne MATSON - born 1918
  • Lester MATSON - born 1922 (died 2007 FAG #50413356)

Source: R. Schneider

Ron SCHNEIDER has been working on a collection of photos and documents dealing with the Charles GARNER family for the past several years.  We are distant cousins and trade information and photos.  

He says that there is a story about Tom that he would on occasion "get out" of the Asylum and walk from Lancaster to Little Britain.  He would eventually be found and returned to the Asylum. Ron says it was about 30 miles - a long walk, hopefully in good weather.

Apparently Amanda had "gentlemen" callers and eventually married _______MORRISON. Ron has found a Harry MORRISON 1905 - 1982 in West Grove, Chester Co, PA and feels that this could be Amanda's 2nd husband. 

I have only recently started looking at the other children of Charles and Elizabeth GARNER, and so my information is very lacking.  Ron is descended thru Charles and Elizabeth's daughter Mary. I am descended  thru  Charles and Elizabeth's son Ben. 

I am very thankful for Ron's willingness to share his information.  He has filled in many gaps for me about people he remembers. 


1 comment:

  1. Amanda Garner's 2nd husband was Charles Earl Morrison. Amanda's obituary listed her husband as Charles E. Morrison and Charles' obituary listed his wife as Amanda Garner. I set up a FindAgrave memorial for Charles and linked it to Amanda's. I also found Charles' 1st wife Mabel Walton and linked her. I'm related by marriage to Charles and separately by marriage to his wife Mabel. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/253207969/charles-earl-morrison


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