Thursday, June 28, 2018


As I was going thru the boxes of letters and photos trying to organize it, I ran across a letter written by Pappy (Ralph GARNER) to mom (Pauline APPLEBACH). I had never seen him write anything so this letter was special simply from that perspective.  I also found the letter from mom (Pauline APPLEBACH) that Pappy (Ralph GARNER) was responding to.  Thought I would put both on here simply to share.  I remember Pappy reading the newspaper and his Bible without problems, obviously writing was not easy.

Mom's letter to her folks was four pages long, below is the paragraph asking about Pappy's health. It is dated 10 May 1967. It's hard to read because of the thin paper and being written on both sides:
"In June's letter (meaning June KANN, sister of Jim APPLEBACH) she said she stopped at Watt & Shand's (Lancaster department store where Grandma (Reba GARNER) worked) to see you Tuesday and you weren't there. Another saleslady said Daddy (meaning Ralph GARNER) was sick....How is Daddy? Was he sick or is he sick? What is wrong? Get one of the kids to write if you can't."

Pappy responded on 20 May 1967:

"Dear Pauline.....I am Felling [feeling] Better naw [now] I was at the Dactar [Doctor] Friday and he said that I could go to work Monday = 22 He said brake [broke] a blood vesell [vessel] in my nose they did treatedit [treatment] with a electric rod At [at] Dactar [Doctor] Harnish office felling [feeling] much better naw [now] hope this find[s] yous all well naw [now] the wether [weather] here is 70 To day mother (I think he means Reba) can walk better naw [now] with ______ Daddy my test all came out ok no Hart[heart] trubell [trouble] my blood cant [count] all right sais [says=] Dr = Atkins"

A side note: around this time, grandma fell and broke her hip so I think that is what is being referred to "mother can walk better".

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