Friday, January 3, 2014



1. (l to r) Reba, Clarence, and Martha Ressler.  The photo was taken on the old Frank Ressler farm in New Providence, PA.  There is no date, but I am guessing early 1920's based on the kids sizes.
2. Anna Bertha (Findley) and Frank Ressler - Feb. 7, 1952.  On the back is written "Dad's 70th birthday". My Mom looked at this photo and said that Granny always sat like that, and that Pap was a little feisty man. 

3. 1975 - Frank Ressler with his sons (l to r): Clarence, Andy, Victor, and Charles

4. March 1935 - Single children of Frank and Anna Bertha Ressler: (back) Andy, Martha, Clarence (front) Victor, and Charles.

5. Early 1980's - Frank and Bertha Ressler's kids: (boys l to r) - Clarence, Andy, Charles, Victor (girls l to r) - Emma, Martha, Anna, and Reba.  Mary was in the nursing home at this point.

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